What does the Program schedule involve?

The Clinic Program is a 18-week structured schedule with 11 individual appointments (6 x clinical psychologist (CP), 5 x exercise physiologist (EP)) over a total of eight visits to the Clinic.






Psychological assessment – clinical interview


Functional capacity assessment – clinical interview
Provide activity diary



Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
Introduce strategies to address issues regarding depression, anxiety, coping, or sleep disturbance


Review activity diary
Implement activity pacing
Provide step count diary



Review activity pacing
Address barriers to activity pacing
Re-visit strategies relating to depression, anxiety, coping, or sleep disturbance



Introduce cognitive exercise therapy (CET) and graded exercise therapy (GET)



Address barriers to pacing, CET and/or GET
Review strategies relating to depression, anxiety, coping, or sleep disturbance
Progress CET and GET



Review strategies relating to depression, anxiety, coping, or sleep disturbance
Review CET and GET progress
Address barriers to CET/GET


Progress CET and GET



Review and progress CET and GET
Goal setting for the post-intervention period
External referrals for ongoing management of depression, anxiety, or coping (if required)



Review CET/GET progress
Goal setting for the post-intervention period
Implement longer-term plan for GET and CET

How much does the Program cost?

If you have been referred by your GP under a Care Plan you will receive the Medicare rebate as per the table below. This can be processed from the Clinic (there is no need to take your receipt to Medicare). The fees should be paid in full at each appointment. For virtual consultations, the invoice will be emailed to you and payment is required within 24 hours. Payments can only be made by debit or credit card (no cash).

  • Patients must be referred under a GP Management Plan & Team Care Arrangement (Item 721 & 723) by their GP to be eligible for a Medicare rebate for exercise physiology services. The rebate is $58 per session for a maximum of 5 sessions within a 12-month period.
  • Patients must be referred under a Mental Health Treatment Plan (Item 2710) to be eligible for a Medicare rebate for clinical psychology services. The rebate is $137.05 per session for 6 sessions in a 12-month period. The rebate may be extended for an additional 4 sessions following the 6th session (i.e. a total of 10 sessions) on approval by the GP.
  • All patients with a valid Medicare card and a valid GP referral will receive the Medicare rebate. Patients with a current Healthcare card, are on the Disability support pension or under National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) will be bulk billed.
  • For patients who have already used all Allied Health and Mental Health sessions for the calendar year, the consultations will be invoiced as full fee. This will also apply if you are ineligible for these referrals (you should discuss this with your GP).

Per Appointment Costs:

Clinical Psychologist

Exercise Physiologist

Appointment Cost


Appointment Cost


Medicare Rebate


Medicare Rebate






This means over the course of your 18-week Treatment Program will cost you (out-of-pocket):

$677.70 Clinical Psychologist (6 appointments)
$310.00 Exercise Physiologist (5 appointments)

Workers Compensation, Compulsory Third Party (CTP), or Income Protection Insurance claimants.  
If you are a workers’ compensation claimant, compulsory third party (CTP) claimant, or income protection insurance claimant, you should advise the UNSW Fatigue Clinic so we can arrange approval for your treatment. These agencies attract a separate fee schedule for services. You can provide these details when you complete the Program Application Form.

Cancellation Policy 
The UNSW Fatigue Clinic operates on an appointment only basis. Due to the appointment schedule being fully booked 18 weeks in advance and the extent of the waiting list, we require at least 24 hours’ notice prior to your scheduled appointment to enable other patients to be scheduled into that session. Any cancellation should be in writing via email (fatigueclinic@unsw.edu.au), text message in reply to the reminder sent or phone message using voice mail (02 9385 8272). Without prior notice, the cancellation fee is 50% of the full fee for the appointment that has not been attended.